Established in 2024 by Matt Petruzzo, GoPro Plumbing & Gas symbolizes a journey fueled by passion and perseverance.
At the young age of 15, Matt embarked on a work experience opportunity with Adam Barrett from Phoenix Plumbing, setting the stage for his future in the industry.
Years of hard work and dedication paved the way for Matt’s growth from an apprentice to a seasoned tradesman. Matt decided to channel his expertise into establishing GoPro Plumbing & Gas, Matt and his team bring a wealth of experience, reliability and professionalism to every project they undertake.
We uphold the highest standards of quality, customer satisfaction, and innovation. Whether you are in need of plumbing repairs, gas installations, or maintenance solutions, you can trust us to consistently deliver exceptional results.
We offer exceptional plumbing and gas services for residential and commercial projects. Our team handles repairs, installations, and maintenance with a focus on customer satisfaction. With transparent communication and a commitment to excellence, we deliver prompt and reliable services.